Lighting Management Services Careers

When you consider the fact that commercial lighting uses about 12% of the total electricity generated in the US, you can appreciate how much lighting there is – and how important it is. Proper lighting maintenance is also a critical service in protecting the environment because it conserves energy, prevents mercury and PCB contamination and slows down global warming. Federal law requires implementation of energy efficient lighting in government buildings; this requirement alone guarantees a considerable need for lighting professionals through 2007.

Lighting management companies that have developed lighting expertise have become critically important in the lighting maintenance, retrofit, and overall lighting management business. Your job will involve lighting technology, financial analysis, assessment of lighting quality issues – and a commitment to improve the environment.

Educational Requirements: Generally, an associate or bachelor’s degree in a major technical or business field. However, since lighting management services is an excellent growth area, even if you have a minimum educational background in the field, dedication and hard work are equally important here.