Lighting Certification (LC) Program
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Lighting Certified

Exam Calendar
The Importance of Lighting
Lighting is the single most important element in the visual environment. Effective lighting improves productivity and strengthens security. It consumes up to 40 percent of the energy used in our buildings. A well-designed system can reduce energy, maintenance, and potential liability costs. Both public and private interests benefit from more effective lighting and reduced operating costs.
Complexities and Challenges in the Lighting Industry
Rapid improvements in lighting systems and equipment offer potential solutions, yet they have also made lighting practice more complex. A growing lighting industry has spurred efforts to differentiate knowledgeable and qualified practitioners. This identified the need for an independent, industry-wide credentialing effort. Such a program addresses multiple issues including safety, health, productivity, energy conservation, environmental concerns, governmental policy, lighting technology, and competent lighting practice.
Overview of the Lighting Certification (LC) Program
The Lighting Certification Program was initiated by the lighting industry in 1991. It involves lighting organizations and governmental agencies whose mission encompasses lighting. The program aims to set a baseline standard covering the entire lighting field. Through NCQLP’s testing mechanism, candidates can earn their Lighting Certification designation.
Preparing for the Exam
The LC Examination is comprehensive and candidates are urged to prepare thoroughly. To do so, candidates should read the material in the Handbook carefully. It outlines the examination structure and provides answers to commonly asked questions. Candidates can prepare by joining a study group, studying alone, or a combination of both.
The Online Environment for the LC Exam
Candidates are presented with a Help screen at the beginning of the exam that explains the functionality, as well as a 5-item practice test for candidates to familiarize themselves with the functions and the computer.
The keyboard can be used to indicate the answer to each question (A,B,C,D) and navigate forwards to the next question or backwards to the last question using the L and R arrows. The mouse is not required for those actions although it is another option (i.e., clicking on the circle next to the answer and then clicking on single arrows in the bottom right corner of the screen to advance or move backwards. The “>>” button will take you to the next unanswered question. Finally, you cannot move through the exam by using the “Back” button or the arrows on your browser
Screenshot of a Sample Question from the LC Exam
Screenshot of Case Study Sample Problem
As described in the Candidate Handbook, each Case Study is a group of five questions that focus on specific construction application and share a common instruction (e.g., the portion of the following sample that begins “A lighting practitioner has been…”). This instruction information will appear at the beginning of each question in the group.
How do I obtain a Digital Badge?
An LC credential—recognized globally—proves that you have acquired the necessary knowledge, understanding, and ability to apply lighting principles and techniques successfully. And, you worked hard to earn it—why not show everyone your accomplishment?
Now you can quickly and easily share verified proof of your distinguished LC credential wherever and whenever you choose. NCQLP has partnered with Credly to provide you with a digital badge that proudly displays your professional qualifications and achievements. To learn more, visit our Digital Badge overview.