LEU Categories

1.0 Continuing Education

Lighting Courses
Same course may be submitted only once per cycle.

* One contact hour is 50 to 60 minutes of classroom time.

1.1 AIA Courses
Credits Determined By: Contact Hours
LEUs: One (1) Per Contact Hour

1.2 ASID, IIDA Courses
Credits Determined By: Contact Hours
LEUs: One (1) Per Contact Hour

1.3 IES Courses
Credits Determined By: Contact Hours
LEUs: One (1) Per Contact Hour

1.4 Other CEU Courses
Credits Determined By: Contact Hours
LEUs: One (1) Per Contact Hour

1.5 Lighting-Related Business Development Courses
Credits Determined By: Contact Hours
LEUs: One (1) Per Contact Hour

Seminars/Courses must be lighting related. LEUs are determined by the portion that is lighting related.

1.7 Lighting Related Examinations

  • a. Examination must be intermediate to advanced level with a minimum 60% lighting related.
  • b. Content covered; level of testing; sample of the testing documentation; information on the certifying organization; testing methodology; and proctoring procedures are the basis for review.
  • c. If a certifying organization is submitting, the renewal cycle requirement for maintaining the certification must be stated.

1.8 Whole Building Controls Courses:

  • a. The course must be 60% lighting and lighting controls related.
  • b. It must emphasize energy reduction through the use of effective lighting control design techniques.
  • c. It has to be a design based course that demonstrates integration technologies and how they impact a lighting design.
  • d. The course cannot be an HVAC Building Management System offering a short lighting integration discussion, but must be primarily on lighting and lighting control.

2.0 Industry Lighting Education

Same course may be submitted only once per cycle. One contact hour is 50 to 60 minutes of classroom time.

2.1 Manufacturers’ Lighting Education Courses, Seminars, etc.
Credits Determined By: Contact Hours
LEUs: One (1) Per Contact Hour

Credit for noncommercial/nonmarketing section only. A maximum of only 12 LEUs per cycle may be earned in this category.

2.2 Government Lighting
Education Courses, Seminars, etc.
Credits Determined By: Contact Hours
LEUs: One (1) Per Contact Hour

2.3 Attending Local Program Meetings
Credits Determined By: Meetings Attended
LEUs: One (1) Per Two (2) Meetings

Half credits will not be accepted. Exact dates and topics must be provided on the LEU Reporting Form. These credits are given for non-social events.

2.4 Attending Regional/National International Lighting Conferences and Tradeshows
Credits Determined By: Event Attendance
LEUs: One (1) Per Conference or Trade Show
Must be officially registered for event.

2.5 Non CEU Courses, Seminars, etc.
Credits Determined By: Contact Hours
LEUs: One (1) Per Contact Hour

3.0 College/University Lighting Courses

Same course may be submitted only once per cycle.

3.1 Undergraduate Lighting and Lighting- Related Courses
Credits Determined By: Contact Hours
LEUs: One (1) Per Contact Hour

3.2 Graduate Level Courses and Research
Credits Determined By: Contact Hours
LEUs: One (1) Per Contact Hour

3.3 Adult Continuing Education Courses
Credits Determined By: Contact Hours
LEUs: One (1) Per Contact Hour

4.0 Masters/PhD Degree Lighting Study

LEUs equal total required for one three-year cycle

4.1 Masters Thesis
Credits Determined By: Completed Manuscript
LEUs: 36

4.2 PhD Dissertation
Credits Determined By: Completed Manuscript
LEUs: 36

5.0 Lighting Educational Speaking/Teaching

A maximum of 18 LEUs may be earned in this area per cycle. Add one (1) LEU if first time taught. Same course may be submitted only once per year.

5.1 Teaching Lighting Courses, Seminars, etc.
Credits Determined By: Contact Hours
LEUs: One (1) Per Contact Hour

5.2 Tradeshow Educational Presentations
Credits Determined By: Contact Hours
LEUs: One (1) Per Contact Hour

5.3 Conference Presentations
Credits Determined By: Contact Hours
LEUs: One (1) Per Contact Hour

6.0 LC- Authoring & Publishing Lighting Materials

A maximum of 18 LEUs may be earned in this area per cycle by authors.

6.1 Journal and Magazine Articles
Credits Determined By: Published Page
LEUs: Two (2) Per Page (Photos excluded)

6.2 Lighting Ordinances, Manuals, etc.
Credits Determined By: Published Page
LEUs: Two (2) Per Page (Product literature excluded)

6.3 Design Guides, Practices, Technical Memorandums, etc.
Credits Determined By: Published Page
LEUs: One (1) Per Two (2) Pages (Includes IES Handbook)

6.4 Lighting-Related Engineering and Design Books
Credits Determined By: Published Text
LEUs: 36

This category is not subject to the 18 maximum LEUs per cycle limit.

7.0 Lighting Recognition

A maximum of nine (9) LEUs may be earned in this area per cycle.

7.1 Association/Society Lighting Design and Lighting Related Awards
Credits Determined By: Award Received
LEUs: 1, 2 or 3 Per Award

  • Local: one (1) credit. Regional: two (2) credits.
  • National/International: three (3) credits. Credit will be granted only if LC has received the highest award in an awards program.

7.2 Technical Achievement Awards
Credits Determined By: Award Received
LEUs: 2 per Award

Includes member organization Fellow Award

8.0 Lighting Industry Leadership

Must be national or international level position. A maximum of 18 LEUs may be earned in this area per cycle.

8.1 NCQLP and NCQLP Member Organization Officer
Credits Determined By: Years Served
LEUs: Three (3) Per Year

8.2 NCQLP and NCQLP Member Board/Council Member or Committee Chair
Credits Determined By: Years Served
LEUs: Two (2) Per Year

8.3 NCQLP and NCQLP Member Organization Committee or Task Force Member
Credits Determined By: Years Served
LEUs: One (1) Per Year

Includes final judging for The Illumination awards.

8.4 NCQLP Member Organization District or Regional Chair
Credits Determined By: Years Served
LEUs: One (1) Per Year

8.5 Mentoring Programs

  • a. A nationally established and recognized lighting industry mentoring program.
  • b. Must have specific mentoring and reporting guidelines for participants.
  • c. Program should include an Application Form and Approval From to describe all participants.
  • d. An Annual Reporting Form showing the interaction, dates, and overall progress of all participants to be included with the LCs renewal form.
  • e. The time length of mentoring commitment must be outlined.
  • f. If the participants work for the same company, the submission must be approved by an independent entity.
  • g. There must be a minimum of 6 hours of engagement between participants per year. There is a maximum of 6 LEUs per cycle for the mentor.
  • h. The independent organization must provide a signed document of completion to the participants.
  • i. The participants submit the program to the NCQLP at the participants renewal cycle.

9.0 Lighting Course Development

Applies only to new lighting courses with three (3) or more contact hours in Categories 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0. The new course must contain significant new material and cannot just be a rearrangement of an existing course, and it must have been created within the current certification cycle. NOTE: The LEUs are for course development only, not for teaching.)

9.1 Creation of New Lighting Courses
Credits Determined By: Course Contact Hours
LEUs: One (1) Per Course Contact Hour

10.0 Online Continuing Education

Continuing education courses longer than two (2) hours must be reviewed by the NCQLP Certification Renewal Committee and an NCQLP certificate obtained by the LC from the course provider for the LC’s file.

Up to 18 LEUs may be earned for each individual online course submitted.